Following the death of her husband ALAN GILBERT WICKHAM (Slade 1944 – 1947) as a result of a horrific road accident near his home at Karara, Queensland in August 2017, Alan’s wife Carmel, donated a substantial sum of money to the Slade Campus Past Students’ Association; these funds have been put to excellent use funding a much-needed upgrade of this Website. Our totally redesigned and modernized website is still a work in progress but we are confident everyone will be delighted with the result.
Mention needs also to be made of the late HARRY ERNEST HAXTON (Slade 1961 – 1964). His donation of the original site and ongoing sponsorship unit his death in 2018 made this modern-day prerequisite a reality for us. SCPSA acknowledges with sincere gratitude the generosity of both of these benefactors.