Honorary Life Members


Honorary Life Membership (hereinafter called Life Membership), is an honour conferred on individual Association members “only for particularly meritorious, consistent and long standing service to the Association” (The Rules of Slade Campus Past Students’ Association}.

Life Membership is recognised by Slade Campus Past Students Association as the highest honour a member can receive, and it should retain its prestige and not be awarded lightly.   Life Membership should never be viewed as a rite of passage for members.



  1.   Any financial member or former member may be nominated by any curent financial member with the nomination seconded by two other financial member.
  2.   Nominations should be submitted using the Associations’s Life Membership Nomination Form.
  3.   Nominations should be substantiated by detailed reasons for the proposal with all applications addressing the criteria.
  4.   The proposal should be a written document outlining in full the service and contribution of the nominee.
  5.   To be considered, nominations should be in the hands of the Association Secretary no later than fourteen (14) days prior to a General Meeting.
  6.   If a nominee is serving on the Association Committee at the time of nomination, that person should take no part in any deliberations or in the decision making process.
  7.   The Association committee will decide if a nomination meets the criteria for the award.
  8.   Life Membership awards will be presented at the Annual General Meeting unless otherwise determined, and will be recorded in the Association’s official records.
  9.   The granting of Life Membership and the recipient’s service to the Association will be published in the Kinawah and any other communication tool considered appropriate.
  10.   In the event of a nomination for Life Membership being unsuccessful, the member lodging the nomination will be contact by the Association Committee with reasons given as to why Life       Membership was not granted.
  11. Life Membership may be awarded posthumously.

Awarding Life Membership is a balancing exercise.   The criteria are provided a a guide, but it is the overall service and contribution that must be evaluated.   Of necessity here will be some subjectivity iun the granting of Life Membership.   Nominees’ strengths against the different criteria will vary.


  1. The nominee is required to have been a long standing financial member of the Slade Campus Past Students’ Association.
  2. The nominee will have been actively involved in Association activities.
  3. The nominee should be held in high regard within the Association, always acting with honesty and integrity.
  4. The nominee will have given loyal and outstanding service to the Association and his or her contribution will have provided measurable benefit to the Association over an extended period of time.
  5. The nominee will have provided a valuable contribution to the Association, including some of the following:
  6. Actively promoting the ideals and good name of the Association.
  7. Demonstrating willingness to offer assistance and support wherever needed.
  8. Promoting Membership.
  9. Demonstrating willingness to serve at committee level and undertake additional responsibilities.
  10. Attending and supporting Association reunions, annual general meetings, working bee’s, etc.

Honorary Life Membership – Benefits

  1.   Full membership for life with no fees
  2.   A commemorative badge and certificate
  3.   Recognition in the Association’s Life Membership register



No 380 on the School Roll, attended Slade 1942-1946 and in his final year was a Prefect. When he left he became very active on the Committee of the Old Boys Association, becoming President 1957/1958 and 1960/1961. He was a major driving force to raise funds for the building of the War Memorial Science Block, the foundation stone of which was laid in 1950 by the then Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Geoffrey Fisher. The War Memorial Science Block was built entirely on funds raised by the Slade School Old Boys Association. Neil now lives in retirement in Sydney.


“The Boss” was a member of the Bush Brotherhood of St Paul, becoming Headmaster of Slade School 1939 to 1951. He was Headmaster during the most troubled times of World War II, and was instrumental in ensuring that Slade was able to respond and take on extra students and boarders from the city when the threat of invasion forced parents to send their sons elsewhere for their education. He was the last Headmaster to have been President of the SSOBA, as during his term as Head, we had the first actual old boy to be elected as President. On leaving at the end of 1951, he went to Papua New Guinea as a missionary, where he then rebuilt The Martyr’s School at Popendetta which was destroyed by the eruption of the volcano Mt Lamington in 1951. “The Boss” passed away in 1992 in Brisbane, and his ashes are placed in the Chapel at the Martyrs School.


Known as Charlie, he was No 114 on the roll, having attended Slade in 1930. On graduating with his Science degree from Queensland University, he returned to Slade and became Science Master. With his wife, Esther, he became very actively involved in the School life, as well as being a strong supporter of the SSOBA of which he became President. Charlie was to become Headmaster of the School in 1952, from which he then went on to become Headmaster of Ipswich Grammar School and then Toowoomba Grammar School. Through his efforts, the history of Slade 1926 to 1951 and 1926 to 1976 were collated and written. Charlie passed away in 1986.


Attended Slade 1942 to 1943 (No 380 on the roll), being a typical country boy. Without doubt, one of the most forceful characters ever to come out of Slade, Alan (or Jazbo as he was known) was a driving force in the Old Boys Association, and subsequently in the Past Students Association right up to his passing in 1990. He served several terms as President of the Association, as well as becoming a respected member of the School Council. His vigour and his personality left an indelible mark on every person who had any association with him.


Joined the staff of Slade School as a young man of 22 in 1946 and became the resident Master at Highfields this being the residence of very young boys attending Slade. He was an outstanding coach in all fields of sport, and was a man with a complete mastery of languages and mathematics. As a teacher in the secondary teacher, he went on to become first Deputy Headmaster, and then Headmaster of Slade School until he left in 1966. On leaving Slade he then went on to teach Mathematics at Churchie, and was to become Head of the Faculty of Mathematics at that School, and was the author of several books now used extensively as Text Books for Mathematics. He retired from Churchie after twenty four years in at that school in 1990.


An exceptional woman, Eve was Bursar at Slade for many years; she came to the School as Mrs Budge. Her sons (Garnet and Ian) both attended Slade whilst her daughters (Diana, Natalie and Evison) attended St Catharine’s.  She was “mother” to generations of Slade boys and her absolute redeeming quality was her concern and love for all about her.  She later married Russ Marshall who was a respected master at Slade.

HLM 7   REV. PETER MAYHEW MBE B.Sc (Econ). Dip Ed. (Oxon):

Known as “Pedro”, he was Headmaster of Slade School from 1953 to 1958 and was a member of the Bush Brotherhood of St Paul. The 1958 school magazine best records Peter Mayhew’s story: “Knowing one’s subject and, within limits, knowing one’s pupils are as necessary for the headmaster as for the teacher. Add to this wide and lively intellectual interests, administrative skills which extended across the spectrum, and his priesthood enabled him to bring to his work a most invaluable quality which cannot be taught from colleges and not always developed in practice. Roughly speaking, if could be called largeness of heart.” Educated on both sides of the Atlantic, “Pedro” found himself as a Chaplain to the Forces, was in the evacuation of Dunkirk, served in Burma during World War II, where he was “Mentioned in Dispatches” and awarded the MBE. On coming to Slade from Leeds in England, the School grew under his stewardship, he demonstrated a lightheartedness in dealing with others, yet rigorously self disciplined, his intrinsic quality governing his life at Slade refused to let his spiritual life and pastoral office be squeezed out by the many material and emotional pressures round him as Headmaster.


Eddie Prince was a Major with the British Army in Burma during World War II when he met the Rev Peter Mayhew who was an army chaplain there. Several years later, Peter Mayhew became Headmaster of Slade and when there was a need for staff at the school hw remembered Eddie Prince with whom he had kept in regular contact. So in 1956 Eddie became a teaching master, a position he then held for some seventeen years until 1973, when he in turn was appointed headmaster of the School. He remained as Headmaster until he retired in 1990, and so he became the longest serving master and headmaster, having been at the School for some thirty four years. In his retirement, he has continued to live at Warwick not far from his school, and during that time has written several books including “Sir” and “Yes Sir,” the second one of which has become a history of his time at Slade. He has an exceptional ability for art, and his penned sketches and paintings of buildings throughout South Eastern Queensland are recognised for their attention to detail.

HLM 9   CHARLES E (CEB) BARNES. (1901-1998):

The son of J.H.S. Barnes, one of the founders of Slade School and benefactor to both Slade and St Catharine’s, Ceb Barnes was a great supporter of Slade, having witnessed its (and St Caths/CEGS) full life. For many years Ceb was Patron of the Past Students Association, a position he relinquished only when, due to age, he considered he could not give it his full attention and be present at past student gatherings. Ceb was a past student of Sydney Grammar School, and whilst at school was quite a good boxer having sparred with the great Les Darcy. He was a racehorse breeder, and was owner of Basha Felika (1951 Caulfield Cup winner and 4th in the Melbourne Cup, as well as breeder of Tails who won the Doomben Cup and came third in the 1971 Melbourne Cup. On the political side, Ceb served as Territories Minister under a number of Prime Ministers, an area in which he made a name for himself even if not always popular.


No 877 on the School roll, Steve attended Slade from 1951 to 1954, and on leaving School he became a member of the committee of the Old Boys Association. He was President of the Association 1991 to 1993, and then again became President in 1998 until 2002. Present at the final speech night of Slade School in 1997, he became determined that the history and tradition of the School, as well as that of our sister school, St Catharine’s, should not just fade away. So, through the years leading up to his vacating the presidency after 47 years on the Committee, which included the time when Churchie took over the Slade Campus, Steve worked tirelessly to ensure that the Association remained a strong force for all past students of both schools, and for those students now attending the Campus from Churchie and sister schools from St Margaret’s, St Aidan’s and St Hilda’s.

He held the dimming torch aloft
As Slade’s sun set into the faded past,
And when the birth of another dawn grew,
Still Steve stood steadfast and true,
‘Till the flame burned with strength anew –
Saxe blue, white, brown-gold, and navy blue.


Ted Ross (Slade 1951-55), the association archivist, was given our highest honour at the last AGM by being awarded an Honorary Life Member for his services to past students.  On many occasions, past students who have lost touch with schoolmates have contacted Ted who, through a combination of methods, not least of which is a data file that Ted has developed himself, has been able to put many past students in contact with others as well as the association.  This has resulted in a steady influx of members.  He has been more than willing to find copies of magazines, if available, for those who request them.

Ted’s development of the data file has been a significant achievement on its own.  Now Ted is putting faces to names by identifying past students from school photographs and inserting them in a now updated filing system.  He hopes this will lead to more St Catharine’s past students being identified.  However, these are only recent achievements.  Ted’s involvement in the association goes back many years.  He became a Life Member in 1987 (No: 178), and became an active committee member in 1988 when he began editing the association news, which he continued to do until 2001.  Since then he has been compiling and collecting Slade-St Catharine records.  One of the many tasks Ted took upon himself to complete was a comprehensive collection of school magazines from the four schools.   No magazines have been discovered from St Catharine’s earliest beginnings as Cambridge Ladies College in Stanthorpe, but some have survived from the St Catharine’s High School for Girls in Stanthorpe and the Church of England Girls School in Warwick, which combined to become St Catharine’s CEGS Warwick.  Ted copied and bound a complete collection from the latter school dating back to 1936, as well as copying and binding a complete collection of Slade School Magazines from the school’s inception, through to its amalgamation with St Catharines in 1972 until Slade’s closure in 1997.

Subsequently, Ted has developed a comprehensive book of photographic copies of Slade Group Photographs with names, dates and sources recorded.  The originals he sent to our museum, which have been installed in acid proof wrap in albums and put on display.

All this has been done at Ted’s own expense.  He has steadfastly refused to accept any payment for what he insists is a labour of love and enjoyment.  The membership thank you, Ted, for all your work and commitment and enjoyment your efforts have provided us and we hope you will accept your Honorary Life Membership with our gratitude.


Anne Lavelle Einersen (Nee Carpenter, Curtis) (St Catharine’s CEGS Warwick 1959-1962), a networker of considerable talent, Annie has been a strong influence in maintaining and increasing membership among past students of St Catharine’s.  Whenever there has been a request for assistance, Annie has been the first person to put up her hand.   Annie was elected President of the Association from 1989-90.  During the difficult years after 1997 when Slade first closed, Annie took on the Presidency and, when not president, steadfastly supported that other Honorary Life Member who kept the flame burning, Steve Rowan, when most others had all but jumped ship.  In fact, it seems that Steve and Annie played musical chairs with the Presidency and Vice-presidency from 1997 until the school was purchased by ACGS (Churchie) in 2000.  Annie has been instrumental in encouraging past students to donate memorabilia to the museum and has donated much herself.  In fact, the female mannequin that stands today in our museum is adorned by the very uniform Annie wore as a senior, her Prefect badge proudly attached to her blazer’s lapel.  Very much a team member, Annie was Captain of her School House, Slade.  Her location in the school photograph indicates her attitude towards leadership and explains why she is so loved and admired by her peers.  Anni passed away June 25th 2007.


One of St Margaret’s war time evacuees who was relocated to St Catharine’s, Madeline Eagar went on to actively promote closer relationships between Slade and St Catharine’s past students from the time she left school at the conclusion of WWII and took steps to constructively demonstrate this.

Of her own initiative, and, seeking to strengthen common bonds in the spirit of fellowship and goodwill, Madeline established and hosted reunions of St Catharine’s past students on a yearly basis at the cafeteria of the Queensland Supreme Courts. She also kept up the tradition of organising lunches and get-togethers for those of her war time school fellows still alive and physically able to attend well into her later years.

Madeline willingly assisted Garnet Budge in his annual inclusive reunions at the Grand Chancellor Hotel in Roma Street. Her role in keeping past members from both schools in contact with each other contributed to increased membership after the constitution of the Slade Old Boys Association was amended to include St Catharine’s alumni as equal members. This represented a significant change in outlook of some of the men who eventually conceded the benefits of this after some initial resistance.

Madeline, a staunch advocate of the Association, rarely missed an Annual General Meeting and has always shown willingness and enthusiasm to offer support, care and encouragement to those in office.

As the longest serving active member of our Association, Madeline’s commitment to all that it upholds is regarded by many as unequalled and her citation as Honorary Life Member well deserved.


As immediate past President and Kinawah Editor of the Slade Old Boys Association, Paul Holland was nominated for Honorary Life Membership during the period when the Anglican Church Grammar School (Churchie) became custodians of the Slade Campus. At this time and in that climate, member numbers and enthusiasm for the Association was very much in decline.

Services to the Association attributed to Paul included development of the concept, establishment and equipping of the Museum which was accomplished with a great deal of hands-on labour. A substantial sum was also raised via personal donations from members of the Association in order to refurbish what is now the Founders’ Room. Immediately prior to this, the room was not being used and had fallen into a state of neglect and disrepair. The refurbishment project represented a substantial outlay for the Association and a greatly upgraded Slade House. Now named the Founders’ Room, it honours the founding fathers of the two Anglican schools in Warwick.

Under Paul’s oversight, the Rules of the Association were amended to include past students of St Catharine’s as equal members and an increase in ordinary member numbers was the direct result.

As noted in the proposal for Madeline Blyth’s Honorary Life Membership, admission of St Catharine’s past students to the Association brought about a 180º shift in the much narrower outlook of some of the men and some stiff and vocal resistance at first but represented a hugely positive step.


David Carstens attended The Slade School 1949 – 1952, this being for Secondary education, Sub-Junior through to Senior.   David attended as a Day Student for the first three years and as a Boarder for the fourth year, although the family continued to live in Warwick.

Even as a Day Scholar David was involved in all school activities.   He rose to the commissioned rank of Cadet Lieutenant in the Cadet Carps and was a Prefect in 1952.

After leaving school David completed three months National Service at Wacol during 1953 and then began Articles with Warwick Surveyor, Robert H. Lacy.

Immediately upon leaving school David joined the (then) SSOBA (Slade School Old Boys Association) and continued this Membership throughout his life.

Initially David was very active in the SSOBA as he lived in Warwick.   David continued his association with the SSOBA upon leaving Warwick, becoming a Committee Member of the then Brisbane based Association after 1963.   David has been an active Member on Committee, serving as Treasurer from time to time.   He recalls several activities and fund-raisers being held at his house in Moorooka in Brisbane.

These activities included significant fund-raising for the Stage 2 of the War Memorial Science Block, including Art Unions with first prize of a motor car, requiring statuary audit and reporting by the SSOBA, a very detailed and time consuming exercise.   The production and distribution of the SSOBA magazine, the Kinawah, was an ongoing task.   The operation of the famous Addressograph machine involved mush time and organisation, and amusement, for mail-outs.

Further responsibility on David’s part meant undertaking the role of President of the renamed Slade School Past Student’s Association 1968-1970.

From 1990 to 1997 David was appointed to the Slade School Council as Past Students’ Representative.   This was voluntary position appointed by the Diocese, entailing travel to Warwick and meetings in Brisbane.   David also represented The Slade School on the Anglican Schools Commission for a short time during this same period.

David qualified as a Land Surveyor in 1959 and worked in South East Queensland on Real Property, Engineering Projects and Local Authority Works.   His illustrious career resulted in his serving as “Surveyor Mawson” in 1961 until March of that year, then “Surveyor Mawson” in 1962 to winter at the Mawson Station in Antarctica.   During that year he carried out mapping surveys and was Leader of the expedition to the Amery Ice Shelf, pioneering the over surface route.

For this David was awarded the Polar Medal.   David continued his interest in the Antarctic through membership of the ANARE Club being made a Life Member in 2005.   During his time in the Antarctic David recalls a special connection with The Slade School when he met Professor Jon Stephenson, a Slade past student, of 1958 Trans-Antarctic fame, at Heard Island in 1963.   Jon was on an ANARE Expedition to climb Big Ben on Heard Island.   the ship David was on, the “Nella Dan”, was the relief vessel for his own 1962 exploration party and the Heard Island party.

David has been a Member of the Royal Geographical Society since 1974 and was President 2012 – 2014.   He has contributed in a variety of activities, lectures and administrative over the years.   He recalls another pleasant association with a Slade School Past Student when frequently meeting with John Casey who is also a member.   John Casey was the Chief Geologist in the Bureau of Mineralogy in Canberra and a long serving Member of the Royal Geographical Society of Queensland.   John receives many mentions in Slade history.

David has also worked as a Surveyor in the Electrical Industry, being appointed Chief Surveyor from 1974 until 1987.

He is a Member of the Institution of Surveyors, being appointed a Fellow in 1980.   David served on the Queensland Division Council from 1972 until 1982 and as Queensland President 1977 – 1978.

Throughout his life David has been active in many associations including but not exclusively Parent and Friends Associations, Apex, Past Student Association, the Scouts Association (acting as Chair of the Brisbane South Area Scouts 1982 – 1990 and member of the Branch Council of The Scout Association).

David feels that in his work and community activity the contact with Past Students was a constant and pleasing extension of the fellowship of The Slade School.

A significant thread of connection with Slade is the personal association and friendship with the Headmasters of the school, and in particular Byam W Roberts, Charles Olsen, Keith Dan and Edward Price.   David recounted that all were helpful and supportive beyond their incumbency.

David has provided many anecdotes on Slade, and surrounding Warwick, history which will be very useful in the continuing compilation of a history of the school, the church in Warwick and of the Association itself.

David hss continued his connection to The Anglican Church through active involvement in the church at Ekibin since 2000, on the Parish Council and was Property Officer for six years to 2014.   He continues to help maintain two Church properties and the Rectory.

In his private life David was married to Kathryn in 1963; she has been of great support to him in all endeavors.   They raised a faimily,m Debra and Andrew and have five grandchildren.    After nearly 55 years they continue to live in the family home at Moorooka.


Gloria Donovan commenced her association with us as a boarder at St Margaret’s C.E.G.S. in 1940 but was only there for two years when World War II was declared in the Pacific theatre.  At this time Gloria, along with several other girls at school in Brisbane and on the eastern seaboard, was evacuated inland to St Catharine’s C.E.G.S. in Warwick.  (See separate attached sheet for Gloria’s recollections of these pivotal events in the history of Slade and St Catharine’s.)

The editorial, in the 1942 St Catharine’s magazine refers to “the tentacles of the war monster creeping towards our native land” and “the temporary closing of our schools” and goes on to touch on buildings being commandeered, staff shortages and adjustment of the curriculum to include First Aid, Air Raid Drill and other wartime occupations.

Settling in at St Catharine’s, Gloria represented her new school meritoriously in tennis and successfully sat for Junior in 1944 after which she helped out back at home on the family property until taking her place as a new bride in 1950.

Gloria’s younger brother, Allan, consequently attended Slade and later, travelled (with Gloria) to Slade Old Boys reunion weekends in Warwick.  This prompted Gloria to approach Sister Kathleen (in charge of St Catharine’s at the time) about hosting a similar annual function for St Catharine’s Old Girls.  So it happened, that in 1951, the inaugural St Catharine’s Old Girls Reunion Dinner was held in St Catharine’s Refectory in Mytton House.  Eighteen old girls attended and twenty-three apologies were tendered initiating a long-standing tradition of reunions being held on the King’s Birthday weekend in June.

Our records show that on 10th July 1952, a meeting was convened in Robinsons Sports Depot in Brisbane to form a Brisbane Branch of St Catharine’s Old Girls Association.

This was instigated by Gloria and June Stidolph (Secretary)

Eric Robinson, secretary of the Slade Old Boys Association came along to this meeting to lend his support and give the girls some ideas on how to get the new Association functioning effectively.

It was suggested at the reunion in June that the O.G.A. raise money during the following twelve months to purchase a film projector for the School, which would cost in the vicinity of £200.

A draft of the proposed constitution for St Catharine’s Old Girls Association is attached.

Our records also show that Gloria was elected as Secretary of the Brisbane Branch of the Association in July 1959 and in 1960 she was elected Vice President, a position she retained until 1965.

During this time the Association flourished with several functions, such as Annual dinner (O.G.A.) in Warwick, dinner dances, barbecues, lunches and dinners.

Gloria was a life member of the Old Girls Association.

For many years from 1960 onward’s, Gloria submitted Old Girls’ Notes from the Brisbane Branch for St Catharine’s School Magazine advising of activities conducted by the Brisbane Branch during the year.

Our records show the last meeting of the Brisbane Branch of the OGA was held on 29th July 1972.

Gloria’s Recollections of her School Years

Jill and Beth Harding (both sisters from Charleville) and myself commenced school at St Margaret’s in 1940 on the same day.  Also starting that day were two cousins from Hong Kong – Mavis Moo and Noreen Wong.  We were only there two years when war broke out in the Pacific so don’t know what happened to those two girls.  Jill, Beth and myself, plus many other girls were evacuated to St Catharine’s, Warwick where the school was very crowded and food rationing enforced.  I remember the syrup we could have at breakfast being watered down and heated as well as very little hot water for showers (sometimes, cold showers which was very unpleasant in winter!)

Education and care of all the boarders must have been very worrying for Sister Dorothea and the staff at this time.  She was a lovely, caring woman always kind and patient with us all being crowded in and not knowing many other students.  Lal Wilson was head girl and her sister, “Cop”, was a prefect – both from the Texas area so I knew them.

My two elder brothers – Reg and Max (Jennifer’s father) were boarding at Churchie.  Not long after finishing school Reg joined the Royal Air Force and served in PNG.  He asked his RAAF mates stationed at Kingaroy to call on me at St Catherine’s to see how I was.  Of course, we were only allowed to have relatives visit and Sister Margaret asked if they were cousins.  I replied ‘yes’ but the boys were only allowed to talk to me on the veranda outside Sister’s office at Mytton House.

Tennis was my main sport having started with a great coach at St Margaret’s.  In 1941, I made the St Catherine’s Tennis Team – Betty Thompson (captain and my partner), Fay Sheridan and Maureen Griffiths.

After winning the district tennis from P.G.C. we traveled by train (petrol rationing being in force) to Toowoomba where we were fortunate to win the comp by defeating Glennie and were Darling Downs Champions.  I left school at the end of that year.

Alan, my younger brother, went to Slade School as a result of my evacuation to Warwick.  I always had him or a cousin, Ron Donovan, to stay with at reunions.  The Slade boys always had a dinner after the yearly meeting of old boys and girls at Slade School and we girls had a free night.  After much discussion, June Stidolph and myself approached Sister Kathleen to ask if we could organise a dinner for old girls.  I think she was pleased to have us there.  Current parents in the district provided much of the food and current students waited on tables which was really enjoyable.  These dinners were held in Mytton House dining room.

June and I moved to Brisbane to live so we decided to have a dinner dance at the National Hotel for any old boys or girls.  Madeline Bauers helped us to organise these as well.  We had very pleasant evenings.

So much has changed since those times, but at 91 years old it makes me so proud to see the Slade/ St Catherine’s connection still so strong with the past students.

Gloria Coombe nee Donovan


John Deshon attended The Slade School 1952-1958.   He and his brother Rob had lost their father in WW11.   John was ten years old when he was enrolled at Slade.   John recalled that he boarded in Highfields, Atkinson, Chapel and Barnes Houses which were school Boarding Houses at the time.   Boys moved from house to house as they proceeded through each grade in school.

John also resided in Atkinson and Chapel House when he was appointed a Prefect in his Senior years.

John was a good scholar being Dux of the school in his final year.   He was also a Queen’s Scout, Cadet Under-Officer, Captain of Cricket, and a House Captain.   John played Football and Cricket at school.

John continued on to the University of Queensland and gained a Bachelor of Architecture (Hons) in 1964.   John was an exemplary Scholar, being awarded the Brian Johnston prize for Architecture, the A.L.Hook Memorial Bursary and the Board of Architects Prize.

John married married Pamela Moya Netterfield in 1966; Pamela was a PGC Old Girl and daughter of the NAB manager in Warwick.

John was a Committee member of the Slade School Old Boys Association from 1964 to 1966.

John was overseas from 1966 until 1973, first working in New Guinea where he designed the Chapel for Boss Roberts at The Martyr’s School Popondetta.

Upon returning to Australia John again joined the Slade School Old Boys Association, serving at various times as Secretary, Newsletter Editor, President and Committee Member until about 1990.

John also served on the Slade School Council circa 1974 to 1993; he served as Chair of the Council for five years during this period.   During this time his practice acted as the school’s Architect.   John oversaw the relocation of the St Catharine’s School Assembly Hall and several classrooms to the Slade School campus.   His practice also designed and oversaw the construction of the extension to Roberts House and the new Edward Price House.

John was an Inaugural Member of the Anglican Schools Commission.

John Deshon has been recognised for his service to the community by being awarded the Order of Australia (AM) in 1998.   He has also been awarded an Australian Defence Medal.   John is a Life Fellow of the Royal Institute of Architects (1993) and a Fellow of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia (2017), becoming an inaugural member in 2000.

John has also served on, been a member of, many other Community and Profession Associations and has led a busy rewarding life in his work as an Architect as well as his work supporting many community organisations.

John has a close association with the Anglican Parish of Noosa, serving as a Warden, Councillor and Property Manager.