
This web site is dedicated to Paul “Burro” Baxter who died at 4:00pm on the 11th August, 2002 aged 53 years due to complications from an illness contracted when he was in his late teens. His dogged perseverance; commitment to others; love of life; generosity of spirit and example; are the inspiration for the construction of this site.
“Burro” was enrolled in Slade School in 1962 in Year 7. The scout movement was a passion and he earned his Queen Scout Certificate in 1966. A member of the First 15 Rugby team, “Burro” became a Prefect in 1967. In that same year he was awarded the Brotherhood Prize for Service. He studied agriculture while at school, winning the Form Prize in 1964. “Burro” always had a dream to own his own cattle property and this he achieved when he acquired WIBA Farm near Coondo via Gympie which he worked with his partner of 13 years, Ellie. He served as President of the Slade School Past Students’ Association from 1981 to 1982 and became State President of the Rural Youth Movement. He also headed the local Bush Fire Brigade until his health prevented him from continuing.

At his graveside funeral ceremony attended by family, workmates, friends and seven of his Slade schoolmates who acted as an Honour Guard for his funeral procession, a Eulogy was delivered by a representative of each group attending. The following was written and presented by a fellow prefect from his senior year, Paul “Louie” Holland.

I see him running and binding into the grinding maul
I remember his stubborn, determined approach to the game.
Pushing and straining; knocked down; getting up;
Rebinding with the others; pushing and straining; pushing and straining;
onward ever onward

Push on, my friend. Push through this thing you call a black hole.
The hands of your loved ones hold you tight as the mass rolls on
Bursting out of the darkness; pushing into the light;
Living through the people who love you; winning the battle
living on, living on.

You have already won the game that counts,
Never failing; nor cheaply winning; always a spirit gently giving,
Measured not by worldly goods nor bank account,
You are their strength; their livelihood, their new start
live in their hearts, as you live in mine.
Safe journey, Burro.

(Be Worthy of our Forefathers)